Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
[email protected]
Year Started:
Nesting birds
NestWatch teaches people about bird breeding biology and engages them in collecting and submitting nest records. Such records include information about nest site location, habitat, species, and number of eggs, young, and fledglings. "Citizen scientists" submit their nest records to our online database where their observations are compiled with those of other participants in a continentwide effort to better understand and manage the impacts of environmental change on bird populations.
Subject Area(s):
Data Type(s) Collected:
Population Status
Population Trends
Population Health
Distribution and Range
Habitat Requirements
Habitat Protection
GIS mapping/monitoring
Collectors and users
# of Volunteers:
1000's (includes all Cornell programs)
Volunteer Services:
Training sessions for new volunteers
Online training
Volunteer monitor newsletter
- Research Kits
Group website
Data analysis and reporting
Email list or list-serve for volunteers
Staff consultation with individual monitors
Accepting New Volunteers?
UPDATE the information for an organization.